Getting Around
We had a fun time using all the differing modes of transportation in Guatemala. It definitely is a whole different world than here...but we loved it. It was an adventure! We rode on one luxury bus for 8 hours on our trip to see the Tikal Ruins(which was by far better than the Chinatown bus to DC), on the crowded chicken buses, in the back of tututs (cute little golfcart-like cars), on boats across Lake Atitlan, and on the back of fletes (pick-up trucks).
I would have to say our favorite ride was riding on the back of the fletes through windy roads overlooking the 3 volcanoes surrounding Lake Atitlan on our two hour ride from Panajanchel to a cute little town called Santiago Atitlan. It was just interesting watching the people hop on and off the truck all along the way- little boys 8 years of age and younger carrying machetes on their way to work in the fields, women carrying baskets filled with handwoven belts and crafts they've made to sell in the marketplace, and older men bringing on loads of nets to catch fish in the lake.
We felt we really got to experience Guatemala the right way taking in the culture and the scenery and getting a sneak peak into all of these wonderful people's lives. Jeremiah's favorite thing was hanging off the edge of the truck with the locals when there wasn't enough room to stand or sit inside the truck. He was happy to make room for oncoming passengers so he could hang off the back bumper. During this ride I was sitting inside the truck's front seat with two other people and looked back to a happy Jeremiah. Adventures are always fun!
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