Hartford Marathon Recaps

I ran my first marathon last Saturday in Hartford, CT 11 months after the birth of our little girl. My goal was to qualify for the Olympic Trials and run a sub 2:46 marathon time. I trained hard for this race and felt great leading up to the race with my training runs. Unfortunately, the morning of the marathon I woke up with severe stomach pain which left me unable to eat or drink. I didn't know how I'd be able to run when I felt I couldn't really even move that morning or get the essential fuel inside of me...However in my mind it wasn't an option for me not to run and so I just prayed that I could get through the race as best as I could. I got to the starting line and just told myself that I could do it.
I was running on pace (6:19 min/mile pace) with a little discomfort for about 16 miles of the race (adrenaline had definitely kicked in at the start of the race) and I felt I could hit my goal time of 2:45. But then my stomach started to really cramp up more and more and I fell off pace. I was in a lot of pain those last 10 miles and finished in 5th place overall at 2:54. I passed out at the finish line and was taken to the hospital for the intense pain in my stomach. This definitely wasn't the kind of race I was planning on running however I was grateful for the strength I was given to get to the start of the race and also for the power I was given to finish. I thought of all the people who were cheering and supporting me - those on the course and those back at home...of all of the notes, calls, emails, prayers, and letters that I received. I thought of all the long 18-22 mile Monday runs that I had had along the Hudson River with Jeremiah biking alongside me, all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets I witnessed, my first run back 6 weeks after giving birth panting out of breath and thinking how could I ever get back in shape again but believing in that little voice inside of me that I could, all the hard mile repeats I had in Central Park, all the early mornings getting up even though sleep sounded so much better at 6am, the feelings of accomplishment after a tough workout, my first race back running post-pregnancy seeing my baby girl on Jeremiah's shoulders cheering for me in the pouring rain...these are the moments that propelled me forward. In the end, as cliche as it may sound, it really is about the journey and I'm grateful for the great and memorable experiences I was able to have and for the confidence, love, and support I felt through it all. Thanks to all of you for your support...and yes- I will be BACK for another marathon! And I will hit my goal time if not faster!

Reader Comments (2)
You are such an inspiration Bre!! I don't know many that would run 1 mile, let along 26 with such severe stomach pain!!! I can't wait to hear about your next one! xoxo
Thanks Court! I couldn't have done it without your support, emails and calls! You are the best! Miss you!